Amazing News for Everlight Solar Customers Installing in 2021

December 29, 2020

President Trump officially signed the Stimulus Bill. This legislation has several benefits designed to boost investments in clean energy.  Let’s dive into the solar tax incentives!

With the passing of the new stimulus bill comes excellent news for Everlight Solar customers. Under this new law, solar customers with systems installed in 2021 will be eligible for a 30% federal tax incentive instead of just 26%. This increase allows those installing energy in 2021 to maximize their savings.

For our customers with installation dates in 2021, you will be eligible to receive even more incentives than initially planned! As one of the hundreds of Everlight Solar customers that received this late Christmas gift, you have a couple of options for how to use these surprise tax incentives:

A) Pocket the extra tax incentives and apply the 26% toward financing as initially planned.
B) Put the full 30% down towards your financing to bring your payments down even lower than was planned at your 18-month re-amortization. 
C) Buy a speed boat!

A Brighter Future AHead

With this new incentive, the United States government showcases its dedication to a cleaner future by incentivizing solar system installations in the coming year. The potential of the solar industry continues to grow every day. This occasion is another example of the continuing shift towards greener energy. Action is required from you until tax season in 2022. At Everlight Solar, we are committed to a brighter future powered by solar energy. Get ready to optimize your savings and take advantage of the total tax benefits by contacting us today. We offer free consultations, professional system monitoring, and state-of-the-art solar panels and equipment. 

Have a wonderful and happy New Year!

Need another reason to make the switch to solar? Read more on the full benefits of solar!

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